Conseils de nettoyage faciles pour votre lit surélevé pour chien

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    Keeping your elevated dog bed clean is important for your pet’s health and comfort. From fur and dirt buildup to unpleasant odors, elevated beds are prone to getting messy as your dog uses them.

    Follow this guide for tips to simplify cleaning and maintenance so your elevated bed stays fresh and hygienic.


    Why regular cleaning is essential

    Allowing dirt, hair, and debris to accumulate can lead to problems:

    Allergens and dust mites

    Dirt traps allergens like pollen, mold spores, and dust mites that can irritate your dog’s skin and respiratory system.

    Odors and bacteria

    Wetness from spills, urine accidents, and drool can cause bad odors, bacteria, and mold if not cleaned up promptly.

    Mites, fleas and ticks

    Bugs like fleas and ticks can take up residence in a dirty elevated dog bed.

    Skin irritation

    Dirt and debris can be abrasive and cause skin rashes, irritation, and infections if your dog’s bed isn’t kept clean.


    Built-up grime, body oils, and moisture can degrade the bed materials over time.

    Regular cleaning keeps your elevated bed fresh, and free of irritants and pests, and extends the usable life of the materials.


    Weekly cleaning checklist

    Set aside time each week to tidy up your elevated dog bed:

    • Remove the mattress pad – Take off the mattress cover and launder it according to care instructions.
    • Vacuum the platform – Use a hand vac or vacuum attachment to suck up loose hair, dirt and debris between platform slats.
    • Wipe down frame – Use a soft cloth with mild soap and water to wipe the bed frame clean of grime.
    • Disinfect surfaces – Spray fabric and platform lightly with pet-safe disinfectant and let sit before wiping away residue.
    • Spot clean stains – Use an enzyme cleaner on any urine, blood, or feces stains on the mattress pad or platform.
    • Rinse and air dry – Rinse all cleaned areas with plain water and allow the bed to fully air dry before reassembling.
    • Check for damage – Inspect for chewing marks, loose screws, sagging, or tearing during cleaning.

    Follow this quick cleaning routine weekly to keep the bed hygienic.


    Monthly deep cleaning

    In addition to weekly tidying, do a deeper cleaning session monthly:

    • Launder bed covers – Machine wash mattress covers and pillowcases according to instructions. Use an odor-eliminating detergent.
    • Scrub platform – Use a stiff brush and mild soap and water to scrub the platform clean of set-in grime and stains.
    • Disinfect frame – Wipe down the entire frame with disinfecting wipes or pet-safe antimicrobial spray.
    • Deodorize – Sprinkle pet deodorizer powder onto the platform before vacuuming up. Check for odors that may indicate deeper cleaning is needed.
    • Check for damage – During the deep clean is a perfect time to inspect for any wear, damage or needed repairs.

    Monthly deep cleaning keeps your elevated bed super fresh and hygienic.


    Tips for cleaning specific areas and materials

    Tailor your cleaning approach to the specific materials and bed components:

    Metal frame

    • Wipe with a soft cloth, mild detergent, and water.
    • Use metal polish paste for a shine.
    • Disinfected with pet-safe antibacterial spray.

    Wood frame

    • Wipe with a barely damp microfiber cloth and wood cleaner/polish.
    • Disinfected with pet-safe antibacterial spray.
    • Buff with polish to protect the rich luster.

    Plastic frame

    • Wipe down with a soft cloth and mild, pet-safe soap and water.
    • Disinfect with pet-safe antibacterial spray or wipes.
    • Use plastic polish occasionally to maintain the glossy surface.

    Fabric cover

    • Machine wash removable covers weekly. Line dry.
    • Spot clean stains immediately with an enzyme cleaner.
    • Disinfect by lightly misting with pet-safe antibacterial spray.
    • Check the tag for proper washing temperature and instructions.

    Mesh fabric

    • Remove and machine wash removable mesh covers weekly. Line dry.
    • Spot clean stains immediately with an enzyme cleaner.
    • Disinfect by lightly misting with pet-safe antibacterial spray.


    • Vacuum or sweep debris from platform cracks.
    • Scrub with mild soap and water using a stiff brush.
    • Disinfect by spraying pet-safe antibacterial spray and wiping clean.

    Follow material-specific directions to clean each component properly without risk of damage.


    Tackling tough stains

    Even with regular cleaning, stains still happen. Use these tips for handling them:

    • UrineEnzyme cleaners work best to remove urine stains and odor. Let soak before blotting and rinsing.
    • Feces – Use an enzymatic cleaner or mild soap and warm water. Let soak before scrubbing and rinsing away remnants.
    • Blood – Create a paste with baking soda and cold water. Rub paste into stains and let sit before rinsing.
    • Vomit – Scrape off solids then use an enzyme cleaner. If the stain remains, use diluted hydrogen peroxide.
    • Drool – Blot drool immediately then spray with an enzymatic cleaner. For set-in drool stains rub gently with diluted vinegar.
    • Mud – Allow mud to dry fully then vacuum up dried clumps before washing. If needed, use a stiff brush with soap and water solution.
    • Grease – Sprinkle grease stains with cornstarch. Let sit for 15 minutes before brushing away. Then clean with dish soap and wash.
    • Fungus/Mildew – Treat mold and mildew stains with lemon juice. Let the juice soak before scrubbing and rinsing clean.

    With the right cleaning agents, you can get even tougher set-in stains out of the bedding and platform. Be sure to rinse and dry fully after treatment.


    Maintenance between cleanings

    Do these quick maintenance tasks to keep your elevated bed tidy between deep cleans:

    • Blot spills immediately with an absorbent towel to prevent staining.
    • Use a lint roller on fabric covers to quickly grab shed fur.
    • Spray fabrics with an anti-wrinkle spray to smooth out rumpled spots.
    • Fluff and rotate bedding and cushions to prevent flattening and smoothing.
    • Use an air freshener or light deodorizer powder to keep the bed smelling fresh.
    • Spot clean obvious stains as soon as they happen to prevent setting in.
    • Remove toys, treats, litter, and other items to prevent clutter.
    • Smooth out sheets and re-tuck loose corners and sides.

    Little maintenance tasks between full cleans make the weekly deep cleaning faster and keep the bed neat.


    Cleaning tips for pet accidents

    Even very well-trained pets may occasionally have an accident on their elevated bed. Here is how to clean it up:

    Urine accidents

    • Blot up excess urine immediately with paper towels.
    • Apply an enzyme-based pet urine cleaner to break down odor-causing particles.
    • Allow the cleaner to soak for 5-10 minutes before blotting.
    • Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water to remove cleaner residue.
    • Blot dry and allow you to fully air dry. Consider using a fan to speed up drying.
    • Sprinkle on some pet deodorizer powder after drying.
    • The machine washes any removable covers or pads that were soiled.

    Feces accidents

    • Use a plastic bag or paper towels to scoop up the solid waste immediately. Discard properly.
    • Pretreat the stain with an enzyme-based feces stain remover or mild soap solution.
    • Allow you to soak for several minutes to lift the stain.
    • Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water and blot dry.
    • Apply a pet deodorizer powder and let sit for a few hours before vacuuming away.
    • The machine washes any removable covers or pads that were soiled.

    Prompt attention and proper cleaning products allow you to fully remove accidents and odors. Be patient and let cleaners fully do their job before rinsing.


    Disinfecting your elevated bed

    It’s important to periodically disinfect your elevated dog bed to kill germs and bacteria:

    Mattress Covers – Remove covers and machine wash with detergent and oxygen bleach which acts as a disinfectant. Rinse thoroughly and air dry in the sunlight.

    Platform – Wipe down the platform with disinfectant wipes or spray pet-safe antibacterial spray onto the surface. Allow it to dry fully.

    Frame – Use disinfectant wipes or spray pet-safe antibacterial cleaner onto the frame. Wipe away any excess when dry.

    Bedding – Launder bedding and blankets with 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar in the rinse cycle to disinfect and deodorize.

    Toys – Spray or soak dog toys in a pet-friendly disinfecting solution. Rinse thoroughly and allow you to fully air dry.

    Bowls – Submerge food and water bowls in hot, soapy water. Rinse and then spray with or soak bowls in disinfectant.

    Disinfecting kills bacteria that can spread illness and disease between pets. Use pet-safe anti-microbial cleaners only.


    Storing an elevated bed when not in use

    When your elevated bed isn’t in regular use, store it properly:

    • Disassemble the bed so it takes up less space.
    • Place components in a sealed plastic bin or bag.
    • Store in a clean, dry area protected from moisture, pests, and mildew.
    • Keep away from extreme temperatures that could degrade materials.
    • Stack neatly with other stored items or pet supplies to maximize space.
    • For collapsible beds, keep joints locked in the folded position.
    • Consider using storage bags with a window for identifying contents.

    Proper storage keeps the bed clean, and dry and protects the materials when not in use for extended periods.


    Signs it’s time to replace an elevated bed

    While elevated beds are designed for longevity, they do eventually wear out. Watch for these signs indicating replacement:

    • Sagging, loose, or bent frame
    • Rips, tears, or holes in the fabric
    • Foul odors that won’t come clean
    • Visible cracks, splitting, or peeling of materials
    • Mold, mildew, or water stains
    • Broken or malfunctioning mechanics
    • Loose or broken fasteners or hardware
    • Noticeable lumping or flattening

    When cleaning and care can no longer rejuvenate the bed, it’s time to retire it and upgrade to a new one.



    With regular cleaning sessions and prompt stain removal, you can keep your elevated dog bed looking and smelling fresh. Establish weekly and monthly cleaning routines tailored to your specific bed.

    Use the right techniques and products for the materials and dirty spots. Disinfect and deodorize periodically. And properly store the bed when not in use.

    With the right cleaning strategy, your lit surélevé pour chien will stay clean and last for many years of cozy lounging.



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